Getting Sticky: Building Lasting Customer Relationships

Now that you are using exceptional communication tools, it is time to use these tools to get sticky! After all, once you gain a customer it’s your goal to retain and build a lasting customer relationship. And there’s no better way to get your customers to stick around than giving them excellent customer experiences (CX). But if your customer service is lacking, your customers will find another provider. According to a recent report by PwC, 1 in 3 customers will leave a brand they love after just one unpleasant experience.

But how do you know you’re providing excellent CX? Especially if your customer base doesn’t provide any feedback about it – positive or negative? After all, only 1 out of every 26 unhappy customers actually reach out to the company to complain.

The answer is simple: look at the data.

Having the right data is crucial to managing your business. This is why our communications solution comes packed with data-driven features that can help you improve your relationship with your clients.

Using Your Features: If You Can Measure It, You Can Manage It

The three fundamental areas of your communications solution are voice, video, and messaging. When you use the features of these areas to manage your customer experience and your business, your clients and your bottom-line benefit. This helps you build better and longer-lasting customer relationships. Below, we will focus on just a few of the data-centric features included within the three areas of your communications solution. Let’s measure these fundamental features that help you better manage your business.


While most phone services offer basic services including voicemail and hold, your new communications platform offers you so much more. Call features can add convenience for not only your employees but also your customers. As the manager of the account, you will have access to a portal to set your call rules to best suit your business.

There is a laundry list of voice features that will make doing business easier, and in turn, benefit your customers. Just a taste of the features that will surely increase your customer experience include:

Extensive call reporting – Administrators can pull relevant stats for any call on the system. This gives you an eye into how to improve call times and response rates. How many calls do you receive and how long does it take to answer those calls? How long are reps staying on the phone with customers? Does your team answer calls fast enough? Are more calls going to voicemail than necessary? And are you calling customers back like you say you will? All these questions and more can be answered with our call reporting.

Voice transcription – Transcribing customer service calls allows you to review conversations and make changes to your script and CX processes as necessary. Did some of the questions an agent asked make the caller more confused or less confused? What did the agent say that made the interaction so positive? These data points will give you the starting point you need to meet – and even exceed – your customers’ service expectations.

Call attendants– Call attendants will answer your phone calls and direct them to the correct department. Automated answering can be programmed through your portal. The greeting and menu options are 100% customizable by you.

Find me/Follow me– These features allow you to program your calls to ring certain phones. Either all phones at once or phones in a particular order. In general, these two features combine to make sure that your business phone calls are answered quickly and by the right person or department.

Softphone– Your phone system can be accessed via any mobile device through your new app. This includes mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and even your desktop computer. Your softphone can even allow you to message your customers and manage your calls through the app.


When COVID shut down the business world, companies realized how important human contact is to the success of a business. Without the capability to physically visit a brick-and-mortar location and talk face to face with others, businesses suffered. One way to improve human-to-human connections and better customer relationships is through video.

Webinars: A great way to communicate with clients is through webinars. This is an excellent way to have an interactive learning event with several clients at once or to capture an important visual asset you can reuse later.

Video Conferencing: Similar to webinars, video conferencing can bring several people together. However, video conferencing is more closely related to meetings in a physical conference room.

Product Demonstrations: The ability to refer to a video for product demonstrations can be beneficial for your clients. Offering a tool for them to empower themselves is a fantastic way to build a positive relationship with your customers.


Nearly 80% of Australians own a smartphone. Also, more than 90% of texts are read by the recipient within 3 minutes of receipt. These statistics, along with your communications solution, can be used to your business’s advantage. You can utilize messaging to offer your clients special offers and updates.

With Yabbit’s voicemail-to-text transcription, you get to respond even quicker to your customers without having to listen to the recording.

Texts and SMS messages are often used as an ‘opt-in’ tool for businesses. When you offer this option to your customers, you have a direct avenue to deliver coupons, product updates, or events. Sending one to two messages a week is the best practice.

Did we mention we also offer empathy analysis? It’s an AI-driven feature that identifies and categorizes a customer’s mood, opinion, and attitude. This is especially helpful for all written communication – like SMS messaging – because it can analyze what emotions lie behind the text. No more wondering what a customer really meant by that comment or text – now you can know for sure! These features are sure to help you build stickier customer relationships.

Have Any Questions On Building A Customer Relationship?

Yabbit is here for you, and we want to help you build a better customer relationship. We believe that the success of our customers is the only way we can be a successful business. Our highly trained professionals are ready to help you with any of your communications solution questions. We can help you meet your clients’ needs.

Contact us today to get the support you need. We would love to spend the day yabbering with you.

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