How to get a 1800 number in Australia?

If you’re looking to get an 1800 number in Australia, all you need to do is give your service provider a call and ask them to start the process of getting an 1800 number. They will need to contact the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) on your behalf in order to gain access to your chosen number. Once that process is completed, you can work with your provider to make sure your plan allows you to receive calls on your selected 1800 number.

If you are part of the Yabbit family, we can work with you so you can get that much needed 1800 number while also choosing the best communications solution for your business needs.

Wait, What is That And Why Would I Want One?

An 1800 number is a 10-digit number that users in Australia can call for free by using any landline or cellular number. You may have heard of them by the name “toll-free numbers” as that is what they are most commonly called. An 1800 number is used for both taking incoming calls and making your business reachable for your customers, given that they can call you for free whenever they want.

If you’re a business owner, you know that having to pay to reach every single client you want would add up to a hefty phone bill at the end of the month. There’s a simple fix to this issue, and that is getting an 1800 number.

Choosing Your 1800 Number:

This step is totally up to you! You know your business needs best, so think to yourself if you need to choose a specific numeral pattern, word that would be “catchy“, or if it doesn’t matter at all in order to better suit your clients. Ultimately, make sure to choose what will work best for your business. However, keep your customers in mind when you are making the choice as they are the ones that will need to remember and use this number.

How can an 1800 Number Help your Business?

There are a ton of benefits that come with having an 1800 number! After all, what can be bad about having a number that people can make calls to for free? (Probably prank calls, but let’s stay positive here) Some benefits of having an 1800 number include but are not limited to:

  • It can make you stand out in a good way: It gives your business a sense of professionalism when you give out an 1800 number to customers and makes your business trustworthy.
  • Attracts potential new customers: It’s easier to get customers to reach out to you, if they can do it for free.
  • Keeps you available and engaged with current customers: Making yourself available for your customers to reach you whenever they need is a great way to offer quality customer service.
  • Portability: Once you have your 1800 number you can take it with you wherever you go, so no more worrying about having to constantly update your numbers so customers know where to reach you.

What’s the Difference Between an 1800 number and a 1300 number?

You may have heard about 1300 numbers being more commonly used by businesses nowadays. Your consumers can call 1300 numbers, which are also ten-digit business numbers, at local rates from any fixed line in Australia. A 1300 is meant to be a single point of contact for your business, draws clients from outside your area, and similarly to 1800 numbers it gives your business a professional presence. However, a call to a 1300 number is charged at a rate that is split between the caller and the company.

For the caller the cost of dialing a 1300 number is about 30c or more a call. This means that customers may find dialing a 1300 number expensive. From the caller’s point of view, it might be cheaper to ring a national number than a 1300 number. Even then a lot of businesses opt for getting 1300 numbers because they come with features that are helpful for businesses like rerouting incoming calls according to the caller’s postcode or state of residence.

So, the main difference between the two is that while 1800 numbers are toll-free, 1300 has a cost for the caller.

Been Itching to Communicate Better?

At Yabbit, we have a mission to give small businesses the quality communications of massive corporations at the most affordable prices. But most importantly we take pride in staying close and loyal to our customers by being there for them whenever they need us. If you would like more information about our phone plans for your business don’t hesitate to reach out to us today! We’ll gladly answer any questions you might have.

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