Dangers of Remote Work: A Cautionary Tale

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With Covid-19 still running rampant, and lock downs continuing to plague the business industry, we have found some new issues and pain points of remote work coming to light. Loss of functionality in business communications has become painfully clear as more and more workers move to remote status. Remote work, while being a saving grace for many businesses, can also have a dark side that needs to be addressed.

Features of a Great Remote Work Phone System

Remote work is the blessing that both employers and employees are looking for. As employees are forced to work from home during lock downs, modern day technology is the only piece keeping businesses going. However, remote work is not an easy adaptation for some businesses, especially if your business is operating with an on-premise phone system. If your company was not forward thinking and did not have the right phone system set up to go into remote work, your business is what suffered.

Protect Your Team with Mobility

As mentioned earlier, remote work is on the rise. In fact, the number of people who work from home has risen 159% since 2009. A major hurdle for some businesses is how to allow their employees to work remotely without access to assets located in the office. This is where the mobility of VoIP phone service with the right phone system comes into play.

Some VoIP phone services offer mobile applications. These turn any mobile device into an office phone. While using the mobile app, your employees will have access to the same features they would have if they were working in an office with a desk phone. Not only is mobility great for your remote workers, but also any workers that go from building to building, or travel for business meetings (even internationally).

Giving your team remote access to important company information can mean the difference between a great customer experience and a poor customer experience.

Call Analytics Means Better Monitoring

Call analytics can be a very useful tool for businesses. Call attribution can help you understand where your calls are coming from. This can help with your decision making for your marketing efforts. If your employees are working remotely from their personal phones, your business will miss out on all this important information.

Call data can improve sales and marketing through analysation. With insights on caller location, duration of calls, and when heavy call times are, customer service can improve. Not only can you use this information for staffing purposes, but also training purposes. This is why it is so important to have a phone system that your employees can access for their remote work.

Collaboration Tools Encourage Team Work

One of the biggest perks of working in the same location is the ability to collaborate. The right phone system makes collaboration easier. Included in some systems are real time video conferencing with screen and file sharing. Additionally, many of these platforms also offer real time messaging, and even integrations with your CRM or MS Teams platform.

The right phone system makes remote work simpler with all your business communication functions in one easy to use platform. The easier it is to collaborate, the better your teams communication and productivity.

Avoid Remote Work Dangers with Yabbit

Yabbit is here for all your remote work and cloud-based communication needs. With a platform full of features your business needs, Yabbit is the reliable and simple solution to take your business to new heights.

Your remote workers will have access to all of their in-office features with our take anywhere platform. Worried about how you’ll keep up with customer needs while avoiding the dangers that come with remote work? Don’t be! Our all-ears team will help answer any questions or concerns that arise. Contact us today to get started!


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