Display Your Business Phone Number From Any Phone

How long have you been in business? Are you just starting out? Maybe you have decades of dedication and hard work under your belt. You’ve put everything you have into building your business, and these past couple of years have truly tested us all.

With whole teams going remote, you may have struggled with feeling like you were in control of your business and your customer interactions. But did you know there is a tool for helping you to protect your business by enabling any device to display your business phone number from anywhere? Let us introduce you to Yabbit Mobile!

Maintain Your Brand Identity While Working Remotely

Maintaining your business identity is important with all business functions. For most, this covers their branding, their logo, and how their business is portrayed by all members of their team. Did you know that your business phone number is also part of your business identity? It’s true! And when 67% of people don’t answer calls from unknown numbers, it becomes evident just how important it is for your business phone number to display properly on any device.

With many employees working from home, you no longer have to worry about business being conducted on their personal phone lines. This protects their personal phone number AND your business’ reputation. With Yabbit Mobile, take your business phone number (all features included) with you wherever you go!

Rest assured that while your employees are working from home, your customers will still be receiving the same great customer service that Yabbit helps to provide – all from your business phone number!

The Control Is In Your Hands

As a business owner, having control over your business is very important. Which is why allowing for remote and hybrid work may at first be a little frightening. It doesn’t have to be!

Yabbit allows for your business phone number to display when your employees make a business call from their personal cell phones. Yabbit also allows you as a business owner to maintain control over the platform with access to reporting and analytics, so you can see what calls are being made and when conversations are had.

Having control can also benefit your customer service! The same data reporting is helpful with following up with and following through with customer requests, even if you didn’t initially handle their call. Yabbit allows your team to take their customer service game to the next level.

Maintaining Your Business Phone Number With Benefits

Displaying your business phone number isn’t the only benefit of the Yabbit platform. Yabbit comes with so many features and capabilities, that the benefits are endless. However, we’ve highlighted a few of our favorites:

Little amount of setup – With easy setup, you don’t have to worry about too much technical stuff. This frees you up to focus on your business.

Work from anywhere – We touched on working from home, but with the Yabbit Mobile App you can work from anywhere, anytime. Now that’s mobility!

Work from multiple devices – You can easily work from your desktop, your laptop, even your cell phone, AND transfer calls between them! Whether working solo or as a team, this feature allows for seamless customer service.

Resilience – If your in-office internet goes down or your building loses power, your connection to your customers can carry on with the use of the Yabbit Mobile App. This aids your business in staying reliable and resilient.

Management features – Among the data analytics we discussed earlier, you’ll also be able to forecast and see team contributions. You can check incoming and outgoing call rates for specific days and times to see when you are busiest and then schedule your employees based on this information.

Integrations – The Yabbit platform also allows integrations with other business tools, like MS Teams, faxing solutions, scheduling and billing software, and CRM programs.

The Yabbit platform, along with Yabbit Mobile, can do all of this and more!

The Reliability of Yabbit Mobile

If there’s anything that we have learned since the start of the Covid-19 Pandemic, it’s that life (and business) is not always predictable. Maintaining control of your business phone number is!

Whether you’re working as a team, working from home, or conducting business while on the go, Yabbit Mobile will help your business to appear as a reliable, unified front by displaying your business phone number!

We’re that thing you’ve been crying out for! Reach out to learn more about Yabbit Mobile, your all-in, office communication hot spot!

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