Why You Still Need a Soft Phone System in Australia

As businesses continue to evolve, we have found that a flexible communication solution is more important than ever before. While we know that business owners are creative and can come up with their own solutions, we’re offering a better idea – soft phone systems. Here in Australia, we have been using internet-based phone systems for years. In this blog, we will dive into why you should be using a soft phone system. But more importantly, a Geo-Cloud based soft phone system that is resilient no matter what disasters may occur.

The system still includes all the functions expected from a “normal” business phone. However, soft phones are linked to your cloud-based communications solution, giving you many more options in functionality. With Geo-Cloud systems like Yabbit you are protected with failover and resilience measures that protect you from fires, storms, flood, power outages, and even hardware issues in Data Centres that can stop others in their tracks.

What is a soft phone system?

First off, is it softphone or soft phone? Doesn’t really matter – it means the same thing!

A soft phone system is a software-based phone that allows the user to make and take phone calls (along with other functionalities) without the need for designated physical hardware like a telephone. A soft phone system can be installed on mobile devices like laptops, tablets, and mobile phones as well as desktops. This means that you can access your business line from anywhere in the world—not just Australia!

The system still includes all the functions expected from a “normal” business phone. However, soft phones are linked to your cloud-based communications solution, giving you many more options in functionality. With Geo-Cloud systems like Yabbit you are protected with failover and resilience measures.

Key Soft Phone System Features

While you may be able to patch together some combination of software and other platforms to give you soft phone functionality, it may be easier just to adopt a soft phone system. Listed below are just some of the features that are a part of a great soft phone system.

  • Easy Connectivity: The app that comes with a soft phone system allows its users to be connected whenever they have internet accessibility.
  • Contact Logs: The soft phone system allows employees to access the business’ contact lists, allowing users to find customer information quickly and easily.
  • Video & Audio Conferencing: With a soft phone system, users can easily connect with their coworkers and colleagues. This becomes even easier for users who have their soft phone apps installed on more than one of their devices. So, if they need to switch between their phone, desktop, or mobile devices while remaining connected, they can.
  • Voicemail: While voicemail may seem straightforward, soft phone systems elevate it just a touch. When using the system, voicemail audio files can be sent directly to the user’s email or be pushed through notifications. Even better, audio files can be transcribed so the user can check the messages on their terms.
  • Presence: Some people may worry about work-life balance when they are using soft phone systems on their personal mobile devices. This can be combated with the presence feature. This feature alerts coworkers and team members about when others are online, in a meeting, busy or offline. That way they know when to contact their colleagues and expect a response.
  • Messaging Capabilities: One of the most exciting features for workers is the ability to message through soft phone systems. Did you know that 95% of messages are read within the first 3 minutes of receipt? This could be because messaging is instantaneous. If you are collaborating with a coworker and need an answer now, you could send an email and wait and hope for a response in the next few hours. Or you could send a message that will be seen and attended to as quickly as possible.
  • Intellectual Property Protection: With softphone systems your team dials out using your company’s caller ID, and not their personal mobile numbers. The IP of the business is protected and customers deal with the company at all times.
  • Reporting: Reporting allows you to measure everything you need to see so you can manage your business, its marketing and its customer experience, even when your whole staff is remote.
  • Integration to CRM Packages: Automation and click to dial is paramount again for a remote and resilient workforce. When the phone system can connect to some CRM packages it allows productivity increases.

Want more information on soft phone systems for Australia?

Yabbit is here for you. We would love to chat with you about all the amazing features that come with the use of soft phone systems (trust us, we’ve only listed a few) and walk you through how to set one up for yourself! We’re one big hoppy family here, so join us in the yabbit burrow to discuss your business and the right communications solution for you.

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