10 Benefits Of A Cloud Phone System

There are so many cloud phone systems out there to choose from. When it comes to picking the right business for you to work with, it can be difficult to know where to start. Not all cloud phone systems are created equal and there are specific benefits you should be on the lookout for when choosing your cloud phone system. Choosing the right cloud phone system is vital to building a reliable customer relationship and can make or break your business.

So, let’s burrow into the 10 benefits you need in a cloud phone system:

Little Amount of Setup and Technical Touch

A cloud phone system should be easy to install, maintain, and operate. Your provider should be responsible for most aspects of operating the phone solution, which frees your team up to focus on day-to-day business duties. No more costly and confusing maintenance, as all the technical stuff should be taken care of on the provider’s side of the platform.

No Per-line Rental

With a cloud phone system, you should only have to pay one monthly fee. Find a solution that has no per-line rental added. A cloud phone system can save your business time and money, but it’s vital to choose a provider that prioritizes you, not someone that charges an arm and a leg.

Work from Anywhere, Any Time

With the right solution, business owners gain flexibility. Cloud phone systems are internet-based and often come with additional communication methods, such as softphones.

The right phone system should support your remote workers and employees who need to work from anywhere at any time. With a good cloud phone solution, employees can use their devices to connect and collaborate as if they are in the office. This flexibility is available to workers with the assurance that their private information stays secure. Effectively making working from home a seamless experience for teams.

Work from Multiple Devices

With a cloud phone system, you should have added features included with your service. For example, the right solutions come with the capability to work from multiple devices. With desktop and mobile apps, any device can become your office. You can even seamlessly transfer from one device to another device should you need to take a call on the go.

Cloud Phone System’s Offer Resilience

Some of the best benefits to look out for in a phone system are reliability and resiliency. Some people fear that when they use a cloud phone system, your service may go down when your internet goes down or if there is a power outage. This should only be correct to a point.

Your phones that are tied to your office internet may not have service. However, any mobile devices you use will still work perfectly. Therefore, you can forward any phone calls to your mobile device or use your app and keep your business day rolling and the callers none the wiser.

Management Features

You will love the management features available to you from a good cloud phone system. The insights provided by data analytics can help your business forecast and see team contributions. This can help sort out any staffing issues and ensure you have representatives available during peak calling times when your customers need it the most.


The right cloud phone system works well with other business solutions. Through appropriate APIs you can utilize your phone system to access a lot of your existing solutions, such as MS Teams, faxing solutions, billing, and CRMs.

When you decide to add more features and integrations, cloud phone systems make it easy. Allowing you to take advantage of your phone system features while streamlining your business processes with little to no stress.

Recording Included

Tired of providers nickel and diming you? Finding the right provider means business-critical features are included, such as recording. There should be no additional hardware required for this critical feature. With recording, managers can simply play back the material for training purposes. This feature is also convenient for any escalated claims, or items that need to be reviewed.

Support for Collaboration

A good cloud phone system should support collaboration and team efforts. It should provide you with access to tools like call transfer, call conference, and call record. All of these features can help your employees work together more efficiently than if they did not have these tools. In addition to those standard calling features, team messaging can take place through a cloud phone system, making collaboration a single pane of glass experience. Choosing the right solution makes collaborating from anywhere easier than ever before.

Call Rules Made Easier

Not only does the right system allow for collaboration, but it should also allow your business to create call rules. Call rules save you time and energy by setting up a standard for your phone calls. For example, you can program your phone to ring a few times and then forward the call to a mobile device to ensure your customers are always cared for.

Choosing The Right Cloud Phone System

Yabbit’s Cloud-Based Phone System gives you access to features that make your business better than ever. With chat, video calls, collaboration tools, and more, all in one easy-to-use package, your business will reap the benefits of a cloud phone system for years to come.

Check out our list of features here to learn more about what Yabbit has to offer! If you would like to learn more about the benefits our cloud phone system offers, our professionals at Yabbit would love to talk to you. Contact us today to learn more!

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