How Unified Communications Enables You To Maintain Your Client Relationships

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, many businesses were forced to quickly move to a work from home model to keep business going as close to normal as possible. Many employees were and still are conducting business from their personal devices, and the push for remote work is not slowing down. In fact, Upwork estimates that “22% of the workforce (36.2 Million Americans) will work remotely by 2025.”

So how do you as a business owner maintain relationships with these clients when business communications are being conducted on personal equipment? Unified Communications is your answer and solution!

The Importance of Client Relationships

First, let’s look at the importance of client relationships. Maintaining client relationships is the single most important thing any business can do to ensure customer retention. According to 99 Firms, “89% of companies consider superior customer service an essential customer retention element.”

When there is a relationship built on a strong foundation, there is open communication. This allows clients to express their wants and needs and also allows for businesses to express how they can help meet them. Happy clients lead to customer retention, good reviews, word of mouth referrals, and ultimately increased revenue – the goal of every business!

Believe it or not, client relationships can be easily maintained and great customer service can be provided through Unified Communications.

What is Unified Communications?

Unified Communications, or UC, is a business communications platform that allows for collaboration through cloud-based solutions. From audio calls, to instant messaging, to video conferencing, UC brings all avenues of communications together in one easy-to-use platform.

These platforms can be accessed via desktop, laptop, or mobile device, giving business room to grow the way they see fit. Technology has given humans the ability to travel more often and more efficiently, and now with UC our businesses can be accessed at home or on the beach the same way they would be in the office.

Maintaining Your Client Relationships With UC

Ditching The Old Ways

When businesses first started having employees work from home, it all happened so fast that these changes weren’t made in the best way possible. Employees were using their personal computers to conduct business and their personal mobile phones to make important business calls. While this setup allowed businesses to connect with clients, it wasn’t the same as a professional business connection.

Business owners weren’t able to be as involved in the communications process as they were when their employees were in the office.


With Unified Communications, businesses have access to analytics for better call management. This allows a business owner to track the stats and progress of their team’s calls, ensuring that all needs are being met with zero gaps in customer service.

These analytics can also be used to track high call volume times so you can make sure that you have your staff scheduled at the right times to help your business succeed.

Collaborative Integrations

Chances are, your team may already be using a program (such as MS Teams) to collaborate with each other on projects. A good Unified Communications platform will allow for the integration of these collaborative platforms. This means that your existing framework can be expanded upon. You can attend to your clients and maintain relationships even better than before, with more calling features built right into your existing solutions

Additionally, a good platform will also have the capability to integrate with a plethora of your other business solutions, like your billing platform, CRM, and more! This creates a single pane of glass experience and improves your productivity.

Choosing a Unified Communications Platform

With a Unified Communications platform, it doesn’t matter if your employees are working on their personal devices because they’ll be working through a program that you have more control over. A UC platform turns any device into a business line and keeps the control in the hands of your company. From keeping tabs on clients to tracking call logs, you’ll maintain client relationships better and easier with a Unified Communications platform.

Yabbit has all the communications solutions businesses need to support in-office, remote, and hybrid workplaces. Check out our list of features to learn more about what Yabbit has to offer!

Ready to learn more about what’s in the burrow? We are ready and waiting to help you succeed. Contact us today to learn more!

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