Empowering Hybrid Workplaces with Communications

Hybrid and remote work have become more popular now than ever before. When covid-19 took the world by storm, businesses needed a way to continue serving their customers while keeping their employees safe. For many businesses, that meant offering their employees the option to work remotely. Another option given to many was to offer hybrid workplaces.

What are Hybrid Workplaces?

Almost everyone knows what a remote worker is: a worker who does not come into a physical office. However, not everyone has heard of hybrid workers and hybrid workplaces. Hybrid workplaces support workers who are in-office part of the time and work remotely the rest of the time. This can be split in any agreed-upon way.

Examples include workers who spend a majority of their time in the office, and part of the time remote. Or, vice versa, the worker could spend most of their time working remotely with an occasional “work in office” day. Some workers may want to split their time evenly between in and out of the office. The combinations are endless.

Some may wonder why remote, or hybrid workplaces have become and remained popular now that businesses are back open. While workers were home during the shutdown, businesses realized that their employees were just as productive working from home as they were working in the office. This is vital information as businesses realized they were also starting to save money with their workers working from home.

Hybrid workplaces have gained popularity as some business decision makers realized that they were saving money, but still need to have workers come in at least on a part-time basis. This gives workers the opportunity to check in while also giving project managers the opportunity to host in-person meetings.

Mobile Necessities

Mobile features that used to be niceties are now necessary features of business communications. Call forwarding, mobile apps, and softphones make working away from the office a possibility. These features can turn any device with access to the internet into a work phone. With workers scattered, sometimes around the globe, a mobile workstation is what employees need to help support their employer.

A mobile workstation has become the lifeline of businesses and staying connected with coworkers and customers is more important now than ever before. If workers can answer calls and send messages right from their laptops, the company is in good shape. Employers must ensure the safety and security of their employees by protecting their employees’ personal information. With a unified communications solution, not only can a company be completely mobile, but also ensure the privacy of its users.

Empowerment with Communications

Communications that support hybrid work are all about collaboration through cloud-based solutions. Unified communication solutions operate through internet lines and are exactly what businesses need to support their out of office workers.

Unified communications brings all avenues of communications together in one easy-to-use platform. Once a business incorporates unified communications into their business, they can start to utilize the features and functions that truly support remote and hybrid workers. Some key features included with a cloud-based communications solution include voice, video, messaging, reporting and so much more.

Need More Info?

If you would like to learn more about the features and functions of a cloud-based solution, Yabbit is here for you. Yabbit has all the communications solutions businesses need to support remote and hybrid workplaces.

Have more questions about communications? We are here for our customers with the support and services they need to succeed. Contact us today to partner with us.

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